We would like to extend a big welcome to our newest patrollers who will attend the next training session on Tuesday August 14th. They are Romi Sandel, Joel Sandel, and Mike Dorn. Make them feel welcome. If there are any other patrollers who need to be recertified at this time, they too can attend this training at 9455 West Montgomery at 7:00 PM. Anyone interested in becoming a patroller must complete and submit an application to HPD at least one week before the training session. Applications can be obtained online at Houston Police Department.org or by contacting Chuck at 713-683-9945.
$25 gas cards are now being given out for every ten hours of driving patrol time. We are trying to get more patrollers to drive more often for more hours to keep our neighborhood safe and crime free. The program is intended to reward patrollers by compensating them for some of their gas and vehicle expenses. While walking and biking hours are not eligible for the cards, they remain a valued and appreciated part of our patrol organization. The Civic Club Board will evaluate the program at the end of August to see if it has had the desired effect. If you want to see the gas card program continued, start driving more hours.