SPP Board Roles
Chairman of the Board of Directors;
Preside over all Board and general meetings;
Enforce the By-laws and preserve order;
Require all officers and members to perform their duties;
Sign all official documents;
Appoint all committees not otherwise provided;
Ex officio member of all committees; and
Oversees the financial operations of the SPPCC as detailed in the SPPCC Accounting Policies and Procedures Manual.
Vice President
Assist the President in the performance of his/her duties;
Acting President when the President is absent; and
Ex officio of all committees.
Keep full and impartial records of the Board meetings;
Present prior meeting minutes for review by email prior to next meeting or by copy at the meeting; and
Perform such duties as may be prescribed by the Board.
Custodian of club's funds;
Keep a correct and accurate account of all income and expenditures;
Prepare and sign all checks and keep receipts;
Keep records on bulk mailing permit and deposit money with the Post Office as needed;
Assist with check-in at bi-annual neighborhood meetings and any other events as needed.
Membership Coordinator
Prepare and mail notices during annual membership drive;
Keep accurate and current records on membership status;
Coordinate the deposits of membership funds with the Treasurer;
Each month compile and send addresses of those who contribute to the Constable Program to the section reps (so that section reps can distribute auto decals/accompanying thank you note);
Compile and send updated email addresses to the Website Coordinator; and
Compile and update neighborhood directory information for publication and/or Board use as needed (along with section reps, greeters and others as needed).
Plaza Pulse Editor
Write, layout, print, assemble, label and mail the club newsletter on a regular monthly basis;
Keep membership informed of all club activities and print articles on committee reports;
Confer and coordinate with Publicity on sales of advertising to defray publishing and other general Civic Club costs;
Work with Treasurer on any bulk mailing expenses; and
Transmit electronic copy to Website Coordinator and Historian by the first of the month.
Digital & Social Media Coordinator
Create and coordinate the development of content as appropriate for a website devoted to matters of interest to residents of Shepherd Park Plaza;
Post the electronic version of the Plaza Pulse to the SPP Website and Facebook Page; and
Broadcast ‘special notices’ emails to members as needed.
Advertising & Publicity
Contact businesses to sell newsletter advertisement to defray cost.
Oversee the planning and execution of the Fall Event
Create a committee for assistance as needed
Determine location, create agenda, secure fundraising/auction items, secure catering
Oversee the planning and execution of the Spring Business Meeting
Create a committee for assistance as needed
Create agenda, secure speakers, secure catering or board volunteer cooks
Assign a Board Member to chair any other neighborhood events as needed (example: SPP garage sale, BBQ cookoff, Fourth of July event, NNO, etc)
Decorating Award Chair
Coordinate and oversee Easter, Fourth of July, Halloween, Autumn and Winter Holiday yard awards;
Storage, distribution, recovery and manufacture of award signs; and
Advise Board if replacement and/or new signs are necessary
Update “closings” spreadsheet monthly;
Respond to emails sent to greeter address;
Greet new neighbors with information packet and any other items or gifts that may be approved by the Board;
Obtain additional supplies as needed for information packet (with Board approval as needed);
Update content of information packet as needed (typically twice/year);
Furnish listing of new neighbors to Board, Membership Chair and Plaza Pulse Editor monthly; and
Compile and update neighborhood directory information for publication and/or Board use as needed (along with membership coordinator, greeters and others as needed).
Architectural Control Coordinator
Provide guidance to the Board of the design and location of any construction or alteration of any building or structure on any lot as described in the deed restrictions;
Report to the Board of Directors on all matters under consideration;
Investigate complaints of deed restriction violations and communicate with involved parties, and bring issues before the Board of Directors;
Preside over any committee necessary for the revision or renewal of deed restrictions;
Be familiar with the by-laws and enforce adherence; and
Recommend revisions and preside over committees to change the By-Laws as appropriate.
Citizens Patrol Coordinator
Serve as coordinator of Citizens Patrol Group and liaison between that
organization and Board of Directors.
Deputy Constable Coordinator
Serve as coordinator of the neighborhood Contract Constable program
Direct the annual fundraising effort to pay for the Contract
Constable program;
Negotiate and recommend to the Board for approval the annual Deputy Constable contract;
Serve as the liaison between the Precinct 1 Constable Office and the contract Deputy Constable and the Board of Directors and contract participants;
Provide a monthly report to the Board of Directors and a written summary report monthly to the Plaza Pulse Editor;
a Pulse Editor; and
Provide significant real time crime updates on Facebook regarding SPP and surrounding areas.
Park/City Liaison/PIP Liaison
Interface with City of Houston on problems, maintenance, improvements, and procedures regarding parks, streets, esplanades and easements;
Coordinate work groups for cleaning and maintenance of park grounds and street esplanades;
Attend HPD sponsored Positive Intervention Program (PIP) meetings monthly and furnish reports to the Board on items that impact the neighborhood;
Research and document the early history of this neighborhood and the first residents; and
Preserve and store all important papers (inclusive of minutes and newsletters) and publicity.
Entrance Flower Bed Maintenance Coordinator
Oversee the 6 entrances to Shepherd Park Plaza subdivision and other
common areas;
Coordinate any necessary regular maintenance or reconstruction of the 12 entrance flower beds to keep such beds orderly and attractive; and
Coordinate the proper maintenance of other common areas either within or adjacent to Shepherd Park Plaza such that those areas do not become a hazard to the residents or their property. Example: Ensuring easements and Eastern boundary of the neighborhood and Brinkman St. are clear of debris for effective draining.
Section Rep
Selection, awarding and notification of Yard of the Month winners (with notification to Plaza Pulse Editor for monthly publication)
Selection, awarding and notification of Section Favorite and Children's Favorite Winter Holiday Awards with notification to the Plaza Pulse Editor for publication;
Monthly distribution of constable sticker with note to all households who have contributed to the annual Constable Program (obtain information from membership chair) and update Board monthly regarding the same;
Coordinate obtaining new Constable stickers each year;
Compile and update neighborhood directory information for publication and/or Board use as needed (along with Membership Coordinator, greeters and others as needed); and
Liaison between residents and Board of Directors.