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SPP Board Roles


  • Chairman of the Board of Directors; 

  • Preside over all Board and general meetings;

  • Enforce the By-laws and preserve order;

  • Require all officers and members to perform their duties;

  • Sign all official documents;

  • Appoint all committees not otherwise provided;

  • Ex officio member of all committees; and 

  • Oversees the financial operations of the SPPCC as detailed in the SPPCC Accounting Policies and Procedures Manual. 


Vice President

  • Assist the President in the performance of his/her duties;

  • Acting President when the President is absent; and 

  • Ex officio of all committees. 



  • Keep full and impartial records of the Board meetings;

  • Present prior meeting minutes for review by email prior to next meeting or by copy at the meeting; and 

  • Perform such duties as may be prescribed by the Board. 



  • Custodian of club's funds;

  • Keep a correct and accurate account of all income and expenditures;

  • Prepare and sign all checks and keep receipts;

  • Keep records on bulk mailing permit and deposit money with the Post Office as needed;

  • Assist with check-in at bi-annual neighborhood meetings and any other events as needed. 


Membership Coordinator

  • Prepare and mail notices during annual membership drive;

  • Keep accurate and current records on membership status;

  • Coordinate the deposits of membership funds with the Treasurer;

  • Each month compile and send addresses of those who contribute to the Constable Program to the section reps (so that section reps can distribute auto decals/accompanying thank you note); 

  • Compile and send updated email addresses to the Website Coordinator; and

  • Compile and update neighborhood directory information for publication and/or Board use as needed (along with section reps, greeters and others as needed).


Plaza Pulse Editor

  • Write, layout, print, assemble, label and mail the club newsletter on a regular monthly basis;

  • Keep membership informed of all club activities and print articles on committee reports;

  • Confer and coordinate with Publicity on sales of advertising to defray publishing and other general Civic Club costs;

  • Work with Treasurer on any bulk mailing expenses; and 

  • Transmit electronic copy to Website Coordinator and Historian by the first of the month. 


Digital & Social Media Coordinator

  • Create and coordinate the development of content as appropriate for a website devoted to matters of interest to residents of Shepherd Park Plaza;

  • Post the electronic version of the Plaza Pulse to the SPP Website and Facebook Page; and

  • Broadcast ‘special notices’ emails to members as needed. 


Advertising & Publicity

  • Contact businesses to sell newsletter advertisement to defray cost.



  • Oversee the planning and execution of the Fall Event  

    • Create a committee for assistance as needed 

    • Determine location, create agenda, secure fundraising/auction items, secure catering

  • Oversee the planning and execution of the Spring Business Meeting 

    • Create a committee for assistance as needed 

    • Create agenda, secure speakers, secure catering or board volunteer cooks

  • Assign a Board Member to chair any other neighborhood events as needed (example: SPP garage sale, BBQ cookoff, Fourth of July event, NNO, etc)


Decorating Award Chair 

  • Coordinate and oversee Easter, Fourth of July, Halloween, Autumn and Winter Holiday yard awards; 

  • Storage, distribution, recovery and manufacture of award signs; and 

  • Advise Board if replacement and/or new signs are necessary



  • Update “closings” spreadsheet monthly;

  • Respond to emails sent to greeter address;

  • Greet new neighbors with information packet and any other items or gifts that may be approved by the Board; 

  • Obtain additional supplies as needed for information packet (with Board approval as needed);

  • Update content of information packet as needed (typically twice/year);

  • Furnish listing of new neighbors to Board, Membership Chair and Plaza Pulse Editor monthly; and 

  • Compile and update neighborhood directory information for publication and/or Board use as needed (along with membership coordinator, greeters and others as needed).


Architectural Control Coordinator

  • Provide guidance to the Board of the design and location of any construction or alteration of any building or structure on any lot as described in the deed restrictions;

  • Report to the Board of Directors on all matters under consideration;

  • Investigate complaints of deed restriction violations and communicate with involved parties, and bring issues before the Board of Directors;

  • Preside over any committee necessary for the revision or renewal of deed restrictions;

  • Be familiar with the by-laws and enforce adherence; and 

  • Recommend revisions and preside over committees to change the By-Laws as appropriate. 


Citizens Patrol Coordinator

  • Serve as coordinator of Citizens Patrol Group and liaison between that

organization and Board of Directors. 


Deputy Constable Coordinator

  • Serve as coordinator of the neighborhood Contract Constable program

  • Direct the annual fundraising effort to pay for the Contract

  • Constable program;

  • Negotiate and recommend to the Board for approval the annual Deputy Constable contract;

  • Serve as the liaison between the Precinct 1 Constable Office and the contract Deputy Constable and the Board of Directors and contract participants;

  • Provide a monthly report to the Board of Directors and a written summary report monthly to the Plaza Pulse Editor;

  • a Pulse Editor; and

  • Provide significant real time crime updates on Facebook regarding SPP and surrounding areas.


Park/City Liaison/PIP Liaison

  • Interface with City of Houston on problems, maintenance, improvements, and procedures regarding parks, streets, esplanades and easements;

  • Coordinate work groups for cleaning and maintenance of park grounds and street esplanades;

  • Attend HPD sponsored Positive Intervention Program (PIP) meetings monthly and furnish reports to the Board on items that impact the neighborhood;



  • Research and document the early history of this neighborhood and the first residents; and 

  • Preserve and store all important papers (inclusive of minutes and newsletters) and publicity. 


Entrance Flower Bed Maintenance Coordinator

  • Oversee the 6 entrances to Shepherd Park Plaza subdivision and other

  • common areas; 

  • Coordinate any necessary regular maintenance or reconstruction of the 12 entrance flower beds to keep such beds orderly and attractive; and 

  • Coordinate the proper maintenance of other common areas either within or adjacent to Shepherd Park Plaza such that those areas do not become a hazard to the residents or their property. Example: Ensuring easements and Eastern boundary of the neighborhood and Brinkman St. are clear of debris for effective draining. 


Section Rep

  • Selection, awarding and notification of Yard of the Month winners (with notification to Plaza Pulse Editor for monthly publication) 

  • Selection, awarding and notification of Section Favorite and Children's Favorite Winter Holiday Awards with notification to the Plaza Pulse Editor for publication; 

  • Monthly distribution of constable sticker with note to all households who have contributed to the annual Constable Program (obtain information from membership chair) and update Board monthly regarding the same;

  • Coordinate obtaining new Constable stickers each year;

  • Compile and update neighborhood directory information for publication and/or Board use as needed (along with Membership Coordinator, greeters and others as needed); and 

  • Liaison between residents and Board of Directors. 

P.O. Box 10453

Houston, TX 77206-0453

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